miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008

Popcorn and Cellphones: Uncovering the Myth

OK, so recently there have been a lot of videos circling the internet of three or four phones aligned in a cross, with four or five kernels of popcorn in the middle, and supposedly if you call the three of them at the same time, the popcorn POPS!!!, this created a lot of controversy, but finally my girlfriend found this video....

The hosts are pretty annoying, but there you go...


2 comentarios:

Doc dijo...
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Doc dijo...

I don't know what to think.... BUT.... 3 daytime show hosts won't convince me.... ever. Even if one is big mouthed Whoopie.

Get me at least Adam and Jamie!!!!

arrrrggghhhhhhh gotta get that myth uncovered dude!!!!!!!! I will do it soon.

You gotta see all videos have in common are irregular size kernels and a tablecloth. And in both, the cloth falls all the way to the floor.

Popping regular corn in a cooking pan will take like... 3-4 minutes in high heat... like... DIRECT FIRE and already having really hot oil......
and in the microwave, it doesn't start to pop at least for 1 minute....

But.... we'll see...