jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008

RIP 'Hijo del Papa'

Guillermo Lopez Langarica is a name that many of you will say yo do not know, however, just looka little bit further into it and youll find the guy known as the 'CANACA' guy, or the 'hijo del papa', he is also the one who brought us the famous phrase 'me amarraron como puerco!'.

Today I got the news that he was killed in Guadalajara... Ironically, he got run over by a drunk woman driving a neon... its too bad, drinking made him infamous and then drinking killed him indirectly...

Here I bring you his video once again, as well as I want all of you to know that t-shirts in honor of this legendary figure can also be found on fresita.com.mx see the pictures below...


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