According to wikipedia:
Plagiarism is the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else's written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate acknowledgement. Unlike cases of forgery, in which the authenticity of the writing, document, or some other kind of object itself is in question, plagiarism is concerned with the issue of false attribution.
According to
Plagiarism, believe it or not, comes from a Latin verb that means, “to kidnap.” If you plagiarize you’re kidnapping and stealing others’ hard work and intellectual property. It is academic and public dishonesty. You wouldn’t want someone stealing your hard work, intentionally or even unintentionally, would you? Of course not. Still, writers sometimes purposely steal others’ work, and other times writers unintentionally plagiarize because they get confused, have poor notes, are lazy or intellectually unprepared, run out of time, or simply don’t know how to correctly reference sources. There’s a difference between plagiarism, of course, and misuse of sources.
According to
pla·gia·rism [ pláyjə rìzzəm ] (plural pla·gia·risms) |
noun |
Definition: |
1. stealing somebody's work or idea: the process of copying another person's idea or written work and claiming it as original |
2. something plagiarized: a piece of written work or an idea that somebody has copied and claimed as his or her own |
After reading the three definitions, I think the closest one to confirm I plagiarized from rukini would be the third one, precisely where it says, "stealing somebody's work or idea" maybe the author can assure us that it was his idea to use blogs to rant about the scores of the games, or maybe he can say it was his idea to use smart funny pictures as backgrounds to the soccer scores... but If you have ever seen him use movie covers to mock the lousy play of the opposing team... PLEASE! OH PLEASE tell me, cause then I might be 'Plagiarizing Ideas'.
Talking about plagiarism, my thought would have been that the author AT LEAST would have mentioned on his 'crocs' post that the had gotten the picture elsewhere, let alone the idea... seems I'm not the bad one after all... click on the image for fun...
GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT... Long live freedom of speech...
7 comentarios:
Abajo en la foto de los crocs viene la fuente. (
Claramente no pensaste en tu respuesta que consiste en 2 partes: 1) tipificar tu crimen en otras personas (el ejemplo de crocs anterior). Claramente este intento fracasó. 2) defenderte dandole "spin" a definiciones. Claramente fracasó tambien, porque robaste la idea (como dice la definición) de "parodiar resultados futbolisticos en ideas nacidas de cultura popular (pop culture), basado en, y no limitada a, marcas, naturaleza, peliculas."
Por tanto, eres culpable de plagio y falta de originalidad.
Claramente te fallo la parte de "sin dar reconocimiento al autor"... Rukini jamas dijo que el trabajo era propio, e inclusive dejó el link al autor original (Maddox, No el site que tu pones) al fondo de la imagen...
Era de esperarse este análisis de segunda de un "reportero de la calle"
Y segundo, al copiar mis imagenes, con pleno conocimiento de que yo las idee y sin dar credito al autor (YO) es un VIL plagio!
Insisto PLAGIO!
luigigol... the post was to attack rukini... not to offend his secret lover...
stay in the closet!!!
Deja de borrar comments!
1) sabemos todos lo que es el plagio... Lo cometiste...
2) cambia de lentes, tiene el link at post original abajo... Tanto en mi pagina como la tuya...
3) Si asocias tener un blog directamente con plagio estas en problemas!!
4) Si no tienes ideas originales, adelante copia las mias... Se que son buenas (ojala yo nunca me quede sin ideas y me ponga a dar vueltas por Mty tomando fotos y posteandolas)
pense q la gente de tu nivel era inteligente mi rukini, y esto va para luigigol tambien...
pense q sabrian detectar una satira cuando se hace... pero al parecer no, asi q te explico...
El Autor de Lankuriosidad no es una fanatico apasionado del mediocre futbol mexicano, por lo que de repente cuando entro a rukini y veo posts contra los rayados me da hueva que no haya nada mas util para leer, por lo q dije, bueno dejame le tiro madreada un rato...
al parecer no detectan las madreadas y necesitan que se las expliquen con peras y manzanas...
ni q fueran el NY Times
ah no perdon
ellos tmb plagian e inventan noticias
same shit
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