martes, 12 de febrero de 2008

Take that Dubai!

It seems like everyday we are hearing news about Dubai, hey did you know the biggest tower is going to be on Dubai, did you know they have a whole map of islands just like the worldmap in Dubai, and casinos, and more hotels designed by famous people, etc, well just found this on the net... its the biggest pool according to world records... and interestingly its not in Dubai, its actually in Chile! Its 1 kilometer long and it cost approximately 3.5 million dollars to build, it has boats, surfing, its even got its whole dock!!!

Anyways here are some more interesting facts about it:

According to

The San Alfonso pool:

* Is 8 hectares in surface area or the equivalent of 6,000 standard-size 8-metre-long swimming pools.

* It easily dwarfs the next biggest pool - the Orthlieb in Casablanca, Morocco - which measures 150m x 100m.

* The lagoon's water temperature in summer is 26C, nine degrees warmer than the ocean it sits alongside.

* Its waters are transparent to a depth of 35 metres.

* The pool fills itself with 250,000 cubic meters of water from the Pacific ("which filters itself")

I also found a video from youtube, its kind of boring cause it has no music or sound, but you can really get the sensation of the size of this monster.


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Rukini dijo...

Porque deleted? Que puso la gente?

Anónimo dijo...

See here

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